Pla-pla cooked, styled and photographed by Toyang Noresa
What is Pla-Pla?
It’s simply the name of a large tilapia fish!
Tilapia is the general term for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fishes that are native to Africa. It’s a very popular fish in the Philippines, particularly since it grows very fast in the hot climate. Tilapia farming is quite an industry in the country.
How to Cook Pla-Pla?
Various ways!
Fried (pinirito), grilled (inihaw), in coconut milk (sa gata), sweet and sour…
When fried or grilled, the flesh can be dipped in a mixture of calamansi and soy sauce for extra enjoyment. 🙂
That looks like such a nutritious meal. Where’s the rice though?